Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Grandma K.

Two years ago today our family lost a very important person.  It all still seems so fresh in my mind and I am certain in the minds of the rest of the family.  This particular side of the family likes to make an entrance it seems. Matt has always made jokes such as, "Nice haircut. Will your family all get together to celebrate?"  When something happens with my mother's side of the family, whether big or what seems to be small to some, everyone does their best to be there. As with all families, there can be a lack of communication and disagreements, but always in the end we ALL come together.  This is why when I have a birthday party for the boys, the guest list is so large. It is how we work, whether people understand it or not.

This was no different during Grandma's last days.  I think our family took up an entire wing of the hospital.  Sometimes we were all there and sometimes we took shifts so SOMEONE was there by her side.  I think we all learned a lot about Grandma and each other during that time.  I never realized after all of these years her middle name was Leona. Some of us cousins talked about anything and everything from Ghost Hunters to the cost of braces these days, to what stood out about Grandma.  Stronger bonds between cousins and aunts were made as well.

When I would visit Grandma her first statement would be, "Get in here! I want to see what color your hair is THIS time!". Whether blonde or bright purple, she always complimented...never judged.  She always said, "to each their own". For someone of her age, she sure had an open-mind. She loved each and every one of us unconditionally.  I also remember staying at her house and her making me breakfast.  That is when I learned that a small amount of milk on my raisin spice or maple and brown sugar oatmeal was just what it needed.  To this day, I add a small amount of milk to the boys' oatmeal and they too love it.  These are just a couple of fond memories of a wonderful person.

She is always there. Her presence is made known in various ways.  To some this may sound crazy, but she leaves us dimes. We find them in the strangest places and during stressful times. Once I had one fly out of the washing machine at me.  This was after I was feeling overwhelmed with things at home.  I think, too, this was her way of saying, "take better care of your washing machine!". Grandma K. always cleaned her washing machine after each use!

That being said...WE MISS YOU GRANDMA K.!

Cooper and I holding Grandma's hand during her last hours

Collin holding her hand. At that time the youngest family member had connected with the oldest family member one last time.