Monday, July 23, 2012

Always Looking for Cameras

I often find myself in situations that are often referred to as, "A Seinfeld Episode".  Other times I inquire, "Am I being Punk'd?" and "Are there TV cameras?".  Tonight I searched the rafters of Lindale Mall for television cameras. I couldn't decide if I was on "What Would You Do?", "Punk'd", or "Boiling Point". 

Let's back up. A few months ago I had the unfortunate experience of having one of my eyebrows waxed off.  I always feared this could happen, and sure enough, it did.  I have always thought about getting my eyebrows threaded.  I have walked by the kiosk a few times and wondered what the heck it was all about.  When I shared my eyebrow experience, a Facebook Friend highly recommended threading (you know who you are) and because I take her recommendations with high regards (this is how I ended up with a fabulous hair dresser), I decided tonight would be the night.

I strolled through the mall hoping that little kiosk still existed. I did not see it so I took a look at the directory and realized I had walked past it.  It was no longer a tiny kiosk, but a nice large area that looked like a mini salon!  I walked over to it and there I noticed a notebook. The notebook read (in very messy handwriting), "I will be back in 5 minutes". Below that were two phone numbers to call.  I immediately looked up into the rafters for cameras. I dawdled for quite some time pretending to be interested in whatever I could find on the counter and eventually gave up to browse the kitchen store nearby. After about 10 minutes I noticed another woman standing at the threading station and so I walked over.  She immediately pointed out the oddity and humor of the notebook and I knew it would be worth hanging around to wait.  She seemed like good people. After another 10 minutes she decided she was brave enough to call the top number listed.  Someone answered and when questioned how long it would be she said, "I will be right there. I am downstairs".  I said, "I hope she isn't wasted when she arrives. I might STILL end up with one eyebrow!" After 10 MORE minutes and us looking once again for cameras, the woman decided to call the OTHER number.  After a brief conversation she said, "I think that was the boss!".  I turned to her and said, "Great, now she is going to be wasted AND angry! We will for sure leave without any eyebrows!".  We decided this was our cue to leave. 

Although, I think my cue to leave was the notebook with a handwritten note.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Never Give Up

"But it is crooked!" This is what I heard through tears from the playroom.  Cooper likes to write down all of the dinosaurs that ever lived from A-Z onto his white board.  He does this over and over again. We have stacks of this kind of work completed on individual pieces of paper.  Papers we are forbidden to recycle, despite the fact there are nearly 50 of them. Cooper has caught wind of our slight frustration of having to do something with these pieces of paper, so he has decided to use the white board.  Good problem solving.

This morning Cooper wanted to write smaller. He also created a pattern with his markers to better organize his work.  What started to happen was, each time he wrote a dinosaur name, it started to trail into a downward curve. Each new name was increasingly worse.  Cooper erased his work twice to start over and I am certain his anxiety levels were intensifying with each "do over".  Soon the tears started, so I went into the room.  He said, "I am SO SO frustrated because my work is not straight and it keeps getting worse and worse! Pretty soon it will be a circle!".  I get it. I remember feeling that way and so I tried my best to help and encourage him.  I could have told him what an awesome job he was doing, but compliments do not help when you have a certain picture in your head as to what your project SHOULD look like.

I decided to use an index card to draw straight lines for him to write on.  Cooper was apprehensive because according to him, he should be able to do it the other way, but he tried it.  New tears were accompanied with, "now everytime I write a dinosaur name the side of my hand wipes away part of the lines below and when I fill them in, it doesn't look right!". This plan was not a success.  Meltdown.

"I am just having a really rough morning. I am SO SO frustrated!".  My response was, "maybe you should step away from this for a few moments, get something to eat, and try again later".  Yeah, that didn't work.  In the mind of someone with obsessive compulsive traits, the project is started and must be finished immediately.  I admitted to Cooper that although I remember feeling the way he was, I wasn't sure how to help him.  He said, "I have two options mom. To start ALL over again or just GIVE UP!".   I looked very seriously at him and said, "NEVER give up. That is not an option.  You can start over or find a different way to complete your task".

Cooper took a deep breath and said, "I think what I need is just some paper with lines". I suggested a notebook and thankfully found one.  He labeled the outside, "Cooper's Dinosaur Book" and proceeded to write all of the dinosaurs on earth from A-Z.  No more curved words, no more half erased lines, and no more pieces of paper floating around our house. Despite the drama. I think the morning was a success for now, and for his future.