Friday, November 11, 2016

I Am A "Bleeding Heart" Liberal

It has been years since I've written anything. For some reason life has been a little crazy since finding out we were having triplets, which took our family of 4 to a family 7 in a blink of an eye.

Despite the title of my post, this isn't about defending where I stand politically.  Definitions of liberals and conservatives have been created decades ago.  I am no less guilty than anyone else when I hear liberal or conservative and already "think" I know what that stands for.

I've spent the past couple of days on an emotional roller coaster. I hate roller coasters, which is why I don't get on them. Last night on my way home from class, I realized something. WHY am I allowing myself to be on THIS roller coaster? What is this gaining?

The answers are clear.






I don't know about you, but I do not like these feelings, therefore it is time to let them go. Time to practice what Matt and I do at home when things seem out of control.  One of us will say "perspective check!" and then we find the silver lining in our situation and move forward.

I keep holding faith that everything is just really raw right now.  That it will simmer down, but at the same time, I just don't know!  I feel like this has been the most cruel and hateful election yet, and I am talking about ALL sides.  Why? Why is this one so much more toxic?  Here are my theories.

The media, which includes social media. This was not around as much in the beginning of politics. People debated, no doubt. However, it was face to face. It was healthy. Could it become violent? I am sure in some cases, yes, but it upheld the original definition of debate. I know for me, when I am face to face with someone, I am interacting with a human being. Nothing else matters, other than they are a human being whom I respect and can carry on a reciprocal conversation with.  When we debate online (and I found myself doing this the other day), we forget the face. We forget the person. We are only looking at the text. Text, by the way, that historically can be easily misconstrued because of the absence of vocal inflection, vocal compassion, a healthy voice of debate.  How many cases of cyber bullying have we seen in recent years between children? They say what they think, hit send, and don't look back. They don't see the faces, the reactions, the human being.  I don't know how you feel, but right now social media is saturated with cyber bullying. Between ADULTS. Again, this is happening between all political stances.

Do I feel disappointment and confusion regarding who won?  Of course!  Do I feel disappointment and confusion when I see people who sit on the same political side as me protesting for the third night in a row, in which some cases have been violent and disgusting? Yes. We don't act this way when the opposing football team wins despite questionable or "unfair" calls from the referees.  Students don't act this way when someone they didn't vote for is now the class president. The media holds SO.MUCH.POWER. It is disgusting. Our children see this and are learning!  We are good people and amazing parents and it is scary to think that no matter how many morals and values we instill in our children, the media has a good chance of winning.  The media picks and chooses what it wants to show us. They are strategic. They thrive on our emotional reactions.  We can fact check until we are blue in the face, but do we ever REALLY know the truth?

A classmate of mine shared that her morals and values are comprised of two questions. Is it necessary?  Is it kind?  I need to follow her way of thinking. What I also learned that night is everyone's morals and values are different. Our morals and values are based on experiences with family, people, and life and should not be downplayed or judged.  Facebook is quite the hot spot for judging, whether you are a liberal, conservative, or independent.  We are all guilty in some capacity. People don't talk on the phone anymore. People will almost always choose text over human contact, which leads me to this. Is Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama REALLY to blame for where our culture has evolved?  Or is it our need as a culture to have more, be more, get more? Is it our need to have instant gratification? Is it our need to have things fixed RIGHT NOW?  Is it our need to be right?  These are questions I ask myself.

An old college friend of mine has recently inspired me and many others more than I think she will ever realize. Her perspective check is to take action in the form of what can SHE do to support the people she feels are being unsupported. I always look forward to her status updates.  She is amazing.

Here is my perspective check.  Instead of taking the outcome of the election as a loss I am going to try and look at it as a win.  Discussions regarding female rights, the LGBTQ community, and other topics us bleeding heart liberals stand for, have been at an all time high.  At least these topics are being talked about and recognized, even if it isn't the most positive. Awareness is what gets results. How can those of us who have strong beliefs in whatever topic it is, create positive action?  Again, all political sides.

I get it. It is hard. It is really hard to not let anger, doubt, fear, disappointment, and anxiety take over. It is really hard to look at people we thought we knew really well in a different light. It is hard to not take posts online personally.

We are a resilient. We are human. When anxiety goes up, productivity goes down. All we can do right now is let our new president elect get to work. Until then I think the best thing we can do is stop letting media hold so much power, love with all that we have, and ask ourselves. Is it kind? Is it necessary? And what can I do to make a difference? As my college friend above stated. Lots of small things can lead to big things.

Side note: Social media will continue to be a focal point for many people. Can someone invent different fonts? Like sarcasm font? Or this is written with love and respect font?  Maybe that will help with our emotional reactions to statements online.

Finally, always remember:

Instead, set up a coffee date with a friend, family member, or co-worker.  See each other's faces. What we feel does not need to be broadcast for validity. Debate, talk, reason, and love. We don't have to rely on the president elects, whether Democrat or Republican to bring us together as people.

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