Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Day At Home

I am at home with Collin today. The dreaded call came in shortly after being at work this morning.  The worst phrase I could possibly hear is, "Collin threw up". Yep, that is the exact phrase I heard. When you get that phone call, your mind immediately goes in a million directions and you begin to weigh out whose day is more important. Mine or Matt's. Knowing Matt had a lengthy presentation in 15 minutes, he won. My patients were called, I packed my things and off I went to get the poor little guy.  I fear the words "throwing up". During the half marathon, another girl and I discussed how when we even so much as READ someone is throwing up, we panic. We are CONVINCED we will get sick, simply by reading it. Even IF the person is in another country. Fortunately, Collin has not thrown up while in my care and is sound asleep as I type...

Being at home is hard for me. I have a difficult time organizing myself. I have a basement full of laundry, a 6th birthday party to plan, and of course, my work from work.  Where does a person start? I have managed to dabble in everything that needs to be done. Soon it will be time to make dinner so that when Matt and Cooper get home we can eat at a decent time. I suppose it is a day for me to tie up some loose ends...a phrase that makes me chuckle. There are a lot of phrases and words that puzzle me, annoy me, and embarrass me. Matt suggested I write a blog about those phrases/words, but haven't found the time...until now. Since I am tying up loose ends and all.

Here are a few:
loose meat sandwiches, go have a bite to eat, panties, everyone and their dog, moist, damp, they are an item, sweating bullets, blouse, slacks, sweating like a pig, pulled pork sandwiches...

Because my mind often goes in a million directions when I am unable to get organized, I am reminded even more today on how disappointed I am with the rut I am in as far as running is concerned. Someone worded it perfectly to me when I questioned WHY I feel SO unmotivated! She said, "you met your goal so now what". So now what....that is the million dollar question. I miss running. I NEED running. My body needs running. My mind needs running. My most recent running shirt purchase says on the back:

Take some lessons from the roads you've traveled in life and sport...Those miles are the best terrain for self examination.
That being said, it is time to buck up, get to work, and hope Collin wakes up feeling better and refreshed. I want to see his cute smile again!

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