Friday, October 28, 2011

Drive-Thru Trauma

It all started last evening as I gave Matt "a look" when he took out the gallon of milk that was almost gone to pour himself a glass.  He immediately noticed "the look" and inquired. I shared that I had to be in Coggon for my first session in the morning and I HAD to be able to make myself a chai tea latte for the road.  He nicely put the milk back into the fridge.

This morning when I asked Cooper what he wanted for breakfast, he quickly responded, "let's go with cereal today. I haven't had that in awhile!". I relunctantly took out the almost empty gallon of milk and poured every last drop into his bowl.  He ate ALL of the cereal, but left behind a significant amount of milk...enough for me to make that chai tea latte. He even has one of those fancy bowls with the straw attached so he can consume the sugary substance! I sadly poured the unwanted milk down the drain and decided that I would brave Starbucks.  Starbucks DRIVE THRU.

Cooper didn't stop talking the entire drive there.  Cooper rarely stops talking. His mind is a tornado of information and questions. We approached the really long line of cars and immediately I started to become stressed.  Cooper started talking about how he wished it was summer because then we could have a picnic. "When CAN we have a picnic?" "What will we HAVE at the picnic?" "Where will we have the picnic?" and so on and so forth. I then looked into my rearview mirror and thought to myself, "that's weird, the lady behind me seems to be talking into the box. Wait that doesn't make sense. Must be the person in front of me. Wait, that doesn't make sense, I shouldn't be seeing people in FRONT of me in the REARVIEW MIRROR" and wham, it made sense. I had COMPLETELY missed THE BOX! Now I am amidst a long line of cars with nowhere to go and NOTHING ORDERED! I was instantly sweaty and turned off all vents in the car. As if turning them off wasn't enough, I had to quickly rotate them all away from me. Then I had to decide whether I wanted to just cruise through and pass the nice girl at the window, or simply tell her my situation. I wanted to cruise through but then worried they would think I was a thief...even though I hadn't ordered anything. SO, I stopped and told her what had happened and she very nicely said that it wasn't a big deal that I could order there.

I enjoyed every last drop of that chai tea latte.

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