Sunday, September 11, 2011


I lived in a place called Watervliet, NY from January 2001-August 2001. I was a music therapy intern at a place called Capital District Beginnings in Troy, NY.  Watervliet  was off of a traffic circle which  was also the link to Schenectady and Albany.  I visited New York City a few times.  It was a nice train ride there.  When people came to visit me, I always tried to make sure we could go to the city.  When Matt came out to essentially move me back home after my internship was completed, I decided to surprise him with a trip to the city for his birthday.  We took the train ride on August 11, 2001 and made sure to meet up with my good friend Emily who lived in the city and worked near the twin towers.  We strolled over to the twin towers and Matt asked Emily, "wasn't there a bomb scare here a few years ago?".  Me being completely clueless when it comes to history of any kind, just continued to soak in the city itself. I had always imagined myself living in New York City. 

Exacly one month later the phone rang through the wonderful tri-plex Matt and I moved into. I was broke from living in NY on only a $300 a month stipend and Matt still had another year of college at Wartburg. I nudged at Matt to answer the phone and shortly after saying "hello" I heard him yell down to me, "TURN ON THE TV!" in a panicked voice. I turned on the television and just like that the second tower collapsed. I stared. I stopped breathing. I was speechless. Then it hit me...Emily worked across the street and had mentioned she went to the towers to workout and for other reasons daily. Matt then handed me the phone.  It was Mitch who had called.  He asked me, "doesn't Emily work there?!" I just said, "Mitch I have to go...I have to call her and see if she is ok".  The cell phone lines were so backed up nobody could get through to anybody.  I just paced that entire day with the sickest feeling in my stomach.  Eventually I was able to connect with her.  She was OK. It was a relief.

This is one of those situations where so many of us can describe in great detail what we were doing when the news broke.  Such a tragedy that will never be forgotten. 

You know, I said parades are funny and I still think that in many aspects. But the parade yesterday was a perfect tribute to all of the firefighters who played such an important role on 9/11.

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