Friday, September 9, 2011

"You should write a blog about your quirks"....

As I dressed in my best ninja gear to run a 5K at midnight last Friday, I was, as usual, a stressball.  Not about the race of course. I had to find my way to my friend Falon's house, which should not be a big deal since I had been reviewing my mapquest directions all night. Not only did I have to find her house, but then I had to decide whether I wait in the car pretending I had important calls to make when I arrived or simply walk up to the door.  The problem with walking up to the door was that a couple of things could happen. I could ring the doorbell, but what if it doesn't work.  It is almost always instinct to try pushing the doorbell again followed by pressing your ear up to the house to see if you can hear it. Then I have to stand there looking awkward. I could then knock on the door, but with what kind of force? I mean, she may be standing RIGHT there.

As I snap out of my typical daze of "what-ifs" I gather up my items and get into my car.  The drive was fine. I turned down Falon's street and dropped the speed of the car to a slow creep. Being I am barely 5'2" with a torso only 12 inches in length, I truly look like an old granny when I drive. Now I am driving 3 miles per hour, arms wrapped around the steering wheel, entire body hunched forward, eyes in a squinting fashion as I try my best to read the house numbers. I am CONVINCED every person in every house is watching me and laughing so now I am even MORE stressed. I don't want to PASS Falon's house because she may be watching and SHE might laugh...and just like that a light flashes on and I see her house I drive by. After I took a deep breath and maneuvered a quick turnaround in a neighbor's driveway I am there.

Now I am back to the original situation I was stressed about.  Do I wait in my car or simply walk up to the door? I opt for walking up to the door.  I walked up the driveway and was startled by a small metal cat on her step. I am not gonna lie, it was kind of creepy! Anyway, I can't even remember if I rang the doorbell or knocked on the door at this point, but soon Falon and I were on our way to the race.

We talked about sore knees and how we are going to stay awake as we wait for the race.  I start to feel anxious (shocking) about where we are going to park and if I am "hitting people" as I drive. I admit I can only park left to Falon and then spew out, "um, I have a lot of quirks and am constantly a stressball!".  Falon chuckles and very calmly says, "you should write a blog about your quirks".

So here I am.

By the way, parking worked out great. I took a left, and a left, and was able to take another left, but decided to try parking right. I did it, not well, but I did it.  We ran 3.1 miles in the dark on a trail joined by our other running buddy Lisa. It was a muggy 90 degrees but so much fun! Next year full glow wear followed by hashbrowns. 

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