Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Bucket List

I think we all have some sort of a bucket list...a list of things we would like to accomplish before we "kick the bucket".  One of the things on my list is to run a half marathon. When I started to run, or walk/jog rather, it was in 2006.  I had gained 50 some pounds while pregnant with Cooper and figured I better make a plan to get back into shape after he was born. Being able to make it to the end of the block was a I am in the final stages of preparing for my very first half marathon, which will be next Sunday. I never thought that running could not only be enjoyable, but such an important thing to do in my life.  Running means something different to everyone...some loathe it (I used to be that person), some run to make sure they can eat and maintain a healthy weight, and some run as a stress reliever. There are many more reasons I am certain.

I run so I can be healthy, mentally and emotionally centered, and a good communicator with Matt. It wasn't always this way. I used to dread every step I took, it made me mentally and emotionally un-centered, and I would, quite frankly, be a grump at Matt when he would try to "coach" me. Then there was something humbling about participating in a 5K and having my 78 year old grandfather cheer me through the finish line...after he finished his OWN 5K 10 minutes before me. It used to take me AGES to finish a 5K, never really running/jogging the whole thing, and my forehead was always full of frown lines.

Something happened, at some point, where I stopped focusing on the difficulty of the run, and started to focus on the happiness it brings my grandfather when Matt and I run a race with him and the excitement Matt has for me when I finish.  To run a 7 mile race step for step with my grandfather and cross that finish line TOGETHER is something I will never forget. It doesn't matter how quickly you run, it is the feeling of the finish that matters. 

I have started to focus on the support of Matt.  How when I have a bad day and he says, "go for a run and have some time for yourself. You will feel SO much better when you are done" and then when I come home and he says, "you did awesome!"...whether I really did or not. Matt has spent a lot of this year running by my side in races.  Although his pace pushes me to the point of saying "I don't think I can do this!!!" there is something about him supporting me and offering that thumbs up every so often and reminding me, "you've got this". Most people know I am not a hugger.  I stiffen up almost immediately when people lean in for a hug...but when I finish a race, hugs for Matt!  The adrenaline helps me, "take it down a notch", and be ready to just TALK and COMMUNICATE.  I feel refreshed and ready to give my full attention to Cooper and Collin and make better decisions for the week.

I have really become aware of the levels of support out there.  Some people just plain don't care and that is OK. Some people act like they don't care, but secretly they do.  Then there is the group of people who come out of the woodwork with such support and encouragement that it is a good way of course.  Trail people are nice...everyone on that trail will smile and wave...we have a commonality...we are trying to be healthy. We are not competing. I have friends who check in often and who offer words of encouragement and those who run along side of me.  Friends who say, "you can do this!" and humor me by answering questions while we run such as, "what is easier, this or childbirth?!".  We both agreed childbirth today by the way.  My dear running pal Falon ran her first marathon today and I couldn't wait to get the texts that kept me updated on her run. It is never about competing against each other, but rather supporting each other and doing better for OURSELVES.  We check in to make sure a blister is healing OK and how a recent run went.

I run to see the smile on my grandfather's face (whom is 80 and still going strong each race)...I run because it makes Matt and I have a better marriage...I run to meet new amazing people....I run to learn that people who have always been in my life at some point or another share a common interest...I run to encourage others...and most importantly I run because it makes ME happy, focused, and centered. It has taken me since 2006 to realize this and completing a half marathon was the furthest thing from my mind.  Here is to the final week of training and a "check" off of my bucket list...

By the way, I couldn't handle the GIANT bowl of candy on the breakfast bar anymore so I put it all into a plastic cauldron and put some pears in the bowl instead....

If you run or jog why?

 What is on YOUR bucket list?

1 comment:

  1. Aww I love this post! I really do. Running has really introduced me to some awesome people... LIKE YOU. I know they're out there, but I've never encountered a runner that was anything but kind in a race or on the road. It feels good to shout out encouragement to someone slowing in a race because WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE. I run because I can! Seriously.
